Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year's

I'm going back to work full time for the first time since Audrey was born.. Kinda bummed, but also sick of not having any money. Perspective really affects how you look at things, and I'm going to refuse to think about the cons and only think about the positives and focus on the great things in my life I do have--like a good job and healthy kiddos.

Anyhow, I finally decided to bind this Moda Botany charm pack quilt that I did about two years ago when I was learning how to free motion quilt. My niece helped me piece the shapes together. Looking at the quilt now, I resolve to not nit-pick the sewing mistakes I made then and only look at the beautiful baby using it and the great memory of my five year old niece learning to sew with me. :)

Happy New Year!

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